In our global society there are currently two major issues that are (or should be) a concern to all countries, whatever their level of development:
needed & why you
should care?

From April to July 2018, the number of employed youth 16 to 24 years old increased by 2.0 million to 20.9 million as per the statistics of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
In the European Union and the euro area, unemployment in general has been on the rise since 2008.
37% of the population is sitting more than 5.5 hours a day.
Only two in five Europeans (40%) exercise or play sport at least once a week and almost half of respondents (46%) to the Eurobarometer survey from Dec 2017 on the level of sport and PA in Europe said they never exercise or play sport!
What’s the cost?
These two phenomena come at a very high cost for society.
For Europe only, surveys have shown that the lack of exercises contributes to diseases that cost Europe over 80 billion euros every year.
Who is paying?
Once again, women and girls are the one who are suffering the most from the situation.
Unemployment is affecting them more than young men in almost all regions of the world.
In Northern Africa and the Arab States, the female youth unemployment rate is almost double that of young men, reaching as high as 44.3 and 44.1%, respectively!
Therefore being more at risks to suffer from chronic diseases and at the same time not giving themselves the chance to develop valuable skills and mindset.
In addition, adolescent girls and young women are less likely to engage in heart-rate raising recreational activities than their male peers, and when they do keep at it for shorter periods of time, research has revealed.